BIR Revenue Regulations No. 11-2020
REVENUE REGULATIONS NO. 11-2020 issued on April 30, 2020 amends Section 2 of Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 7-2020, as amended by Section 2 of RR No. 10-2020, relative to the extension of statutory deadlines for the submission and/or filing of documents and/or returns specified in the Regulations, as well as the payment of taxes pursuant to Section 4(z) of RA No. 11469 (Bayanihan to Heal as One Act).
The extension of due dates shall be made applicable throughout the Philippines. If the new extended due dates fall on a holiday or non-working day, then, the submission and/or filing contemplated in the Regulations shall be made on the next working day. Further, the term “quarantine” used in the Regulations shall mean any announcement by the National Government resulting to limited operations and mobility, including, but not limited to, community quarantine, enhanced community quarantine, modified community quarantine, and general community quarantine.
In case of another quarantine extension, the defined extended due dates under Section 2 of the Regulations shall be allowed further extension of fifteen (15) calendar days.
Taxpayers who will file their tax returns within the original deadline or prior to the extended deadline can amend their tax returns at any time on or before the extended due date. An amendment that will result in additional tax to be paid can still be paid without the imposition of corresponding penalties (surcharge, interest and compromise penalties) if the same shall be done not later than the extended deadline, as provided under existing rules and regulations.
A taxpayer whose amended returns will result in overpayment of taxes paid can opt to carry over the overpaid tax as credit against the tax due for the same tax type in the succeeding periods’ tax returns, aside from filing for claim for refund.